The Video Game Credits Database Project
Project started on 16.12.2000
Last updated on 7.9.2003
This project is no longer maintained since. If you are looking for further staff credits you can look through MS Wiki and Mobygames.
What was all the fuss about?
I just saw a blatant need for a database where everybody can check out who actually worked on a game. I still do see a need for it, but sites like Mobygames do a better job at maintaining them than I do so this page is frozen in time now.
Who contributed back then?
Eon Strife kept contributing more and more credits to this page until I gave up (thank you!). Many other credits were generously contributed by gynoug (thank you as well!). Further contributors were David the best, Miita, ProTH and of course der tolle Emil.
Alright, now show me your antique content!
What games don't have any credits?
Doom (SNES)
Lagoon (SNES)
Megaman Soccer (SNES)
Megaman X2 (SNES)
Megaman X3 (SNES)
R-Type 3 (SNES)
Anything else?
None anymore really. Hope you enjoy the data found here, and feel free to contribute it to places like Mobygames. People do that without asking me with my actively maintained stuff in the MS Wiki as well, so why bother? Spreading knowledge is/should be the purpose of the internet anyway.