How to create WAV files with Winamp
- Start "Winamp"
- Open the "Preferences" dialog (press Ctrl-P)
- On the left, select "Plug-ins/Output"
- On the right, select "Nullsoft Disk Writer plug-in"
- Click on "Configure" to choose a folder where you want to store the WAV file(s)
- Click on "Close" to close the Preferences
Now play your SPC's. Instead of hearing the music, the sound will be saved as a WAV file.
Instead "Nullsoft Disk Writer plug-in" you can also use other output plugins offering direct conversion to MP3 ("Nullsoft MP3 Output plug-in") etc. Just look into
Winamp's plugin archive for the corresponding plugins.
After you're done, make sure you change the output back to the "Nullsoft waveOut plug-in" or "Nullsoft DirectSound plug-in".