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Laser Soft (新日本レーザーソフト(株))
 · Japan Games
 · US Games

Laser Soft (新日本レーザーソフト(株))

Laser Soft was established jointly by Telenet Japan and Yodobashi ((株)ヨドバシカメラと) in October 1988 for producing laser disk based games for PC Engine. In June 1990 the shares by Yodobashi were taken over by Telenet, and in January 1991 Laser Soft was formally merged with Wolfteam. After that the label Laser Soft was kept for further games by Telenet for PC Engine and other systems until about 1992.

Japan Games

Complete list of Laser Soft-games released on the Japanese market.

US Games

List of Laser Soft games released on the US market.