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PAL Games ~ C

Results 1-22 of 22

PAL Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball SPC
Developer: Beam
 Composer: Brian Howarth

PAL California Games II
PAL Cannon Fodder SPC
Publisher: Virgin Interactive
Developer: Sensible Software
 Composers: Jon Hare, Allister Morten Brimble, Richard Joseph

PAL Captain America and The Avengers SPC
Publisher: Mindscape
Developer: Realtime Associates
 Composer: Eric Swanson

PAL Captain Commando SPC
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
 Composer: Masaki Izutani

PAL Carrier Aces SPC
Publisher: Game Arts
Developer: Synergistic
 Composer: Christopher Barker

PAL Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss SPC
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
 Composers: Tomoya Tomita, Masanari Iwata, Harumi Ueko, Masahiko Kimura

PAL Champions World Class Soccer SPC
Publisher: Acclaim
Developer: Park Place Productions
 Composers: Tristan Des Pres, Jeff Tveraas, John McMack

PAL Championship Pool SPC
Publisher: Mindscape
Developer: BitMasters
 Composer: Jerry Gerber

PAL Chaos Engine SPC
Publisher: MicroProse
Developer: Bitmap Brothers
 Composers: Richard Joseph, Joi

PAL Chessmaster
PAL Choplifter III SPC
Publisher: Ocean
Developer: Beam
 Composer: Marshall Parker

PAL Chuck Rock SPC
Publisher: Sony Imagesoft
Developer: Core Design
 Composer: Steve Collett

PAL Clay Fighter SPC
Publisher: Ocean
Developer: Visual Concepts
 Composers: Mitchell Stein, Brian Luzietti

PAL Clay Fighter 2: Judgment Clay
PAL Claymates
PAL Cliffhanger SPC
Publisher: Sony Imagesoft
Developer: Malibu
 Composer: Brian Howarth

PAL Commodore 64 Collection
PAL Congo's Caper SPC
Publisher: Data East
Developer: Data East
 Composers: Emi Shimizu, Min-Key Momo, N'gja Miura, Z Yamanaka

PAL Cool Spot SPC
Publisher: Virgin Interactive
 Composer: Tommy Tallarico

PAL Cutthroat Island SPC
Publisher: Acclaim
Developer: Software Creations
 Composers: Martin Goodall, James Hannigan, Chris Jojo, Paul Tonge

PAL Cybernator SPC
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Masaya
 Composer: Masanao Akahori

(p) & (c) 2000-2025 the SPC dumpers group. Created & maintained by Datschge, updated by YK, supported by Knurek (VGR), Anti Resonance, Halley's Comet Software, Grass-eatin'me, CaitSith2, Kai, Kung Fu Furby and many others. If you want to contribute you are invited to contact us.

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