SPC Soundtrack Archive Torrent
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Currently there are 707 seeders and 46 leechers.
The torrent is up-to-date as of March 21st, 2016, 04:38:30.
Important Notes
- Be sure to always only use the latest torrent file. Don't delete the incomplete data when removing the old torrent, instead let the new torrent continue where the old torrent stopped by picking the same target folder again. Older torrent files will effectively cease to work correctly after a new torrent has been published.
- If you want to use this torrent to complete or update your existing collection of SPC sets from snesmusic please put your unchanged .rsn files into a folder called spcsets and set it as target in your client.
- If you have troubles receiving any data we suggest you to use a client supporting HTTP Seeding (Hoffman-style) web seeds as implemented by BitTornado. Compatible BitTorrent client are:
- We appreciate it if you keep seeding the data after a completed download.