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Soundtracks ~ S

Results 390-420 of 573

NTSC-J Super Hockey '94 SPC
Publisher: Yonezawa PR21
Developer: Opera House
 Composers: Hayato Matsuo, Hitoshi Sakimoto

PAL Super Ice Hockey SPC
 Composers: Hayato Matsuo, Hitoshi Sakimoto

NTSC-J Super Indy Champ SPC
Publisher: Forum
Developer: Opensystem
 Composer: K. Yamamoto

NTSC-J Super Inindo: Datou Nobunaga SPC
Publisher: Koei
 Composer: Hiori Wakakuwa

PAL Super International Cricket SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Beam
 Composer: Marshall Parker

Beta Super James Pond SPC
 Composer: Richard Joseph

NTSC Super James Pond SPC
Publisher: American Softworks
Developer: Vectordean
 Composer: Richard Joseph

NTSC-J Super James Pond 2 SPC
Publisher: Victor
Developer: Vectordean
 Composer: Richard Joseph

PAL Super James Pond II SPC
 Composer: Keith Tinman

NTSC-J Super Kick Boxing SPC
Publisher: Electro Brain
Developer: Loriciel
 Composers: Michel Winogradoff, Vincent Baillet

NTSC-J Super Kick Off SPC
Publisher: Misawa Entertainment
 Composers: David Whittaker, Koji Hayashi

NTSC-J Super Kokou Yakyuu: Ichikyuu Jikkon SPC
Publisher: I'Max
 Composer: Mitsuhito Tanaka

NTSC-J Super Kyukyoku Harikiri Stadium SPC
Publisher: Taito
 Composer: Sanae Kasahara

NTSC-J Super Linear Ball SPC
Publisher: Hiro
Developer: Argonaut
 Composer: Colin Bennun

NTSC-J Super Loopz SPC
Publisher: Imagineer
 Composer: Koji Hayashi

NTSC-J Super Mad Champ SPC
Publisher: Tsukuda Original
Developer: Almanic
 Composer: Hikoshi Hashimoto

NTSC-J Super Mahjong SPC
Publisher: I'Max
NTSC-J Super Mahjong 2: Honkaku 4 Nin Uchi! SPC
Publisher: I'Max
 Composer: Masakatsu Maekawa

NTSC-J Super Mahjong 3: Karakuchi SPC
Publisher: I'Max
 Composer: Masakatsu Maekawa

NTSC-J Super Mahjong Taikai SPC
Publisher: Koei
 Composer: Hiori Wakakuwa

PAL Super Mario All-Stars SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
 Composers: Koji Kondo, Soyo Oka

NTSC Super Mario All-Stars SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
 Composers: Koji Kondo, Soyo Oka

NTSC-J Super Mario Collection SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
 Composers: Koji Kondo, Soyo Oka

PAL Super Mario Kart SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
 Composer: Soyo Oka

NTSC Super Mario Kart SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
 Composer: Soyo Oka

NTSC-J Super Mario Kart SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
 Composer: Soyo Oka

NTSC-J Super Mario RPG SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Square
 Composer: Yoko Shimomura

NTSC Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Square
 Composer: Yoko Shimomura

PAL Super Mario World SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
 Composer: Koji Kondo

NTSC Super Mario World SPC
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
 Composer: Koji Kondo

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